Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Yes, you had to open this blog to figure out what I am talking about.

One advantage of Malaysia is that we get to go see movies a few days ahead of the release date in the US!

Last night, the Elder and the Frenchman went to see the latest chapter of Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SWTLJ), two days before the US release date. CJ should be seeing it tonight while on vacation.

We would rank the movie two thumbs up. For a 2 1/2 hour movie, the time went by quickly, the story line was engaging, a few predictability that were not to be, plot twists, unexpected turns, cute animals (look out for them at a toys store near you - what would Star Wars be without a few commercial items) and leaving you with wanting more in Episode IX.

Here are the must have items of the 2017 Christmas season
the Porg

the Vulptex aka Crystal Fox

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